Val di Fassa | from to

The snow-capped mountains and ski slopes in perfect condition are the ideal environment to spend the most enjoyable time of the year in the Dolomites.

Street parties, shows, masked balls and parades in the villages of the Val di Fassa.

Throughout the entire carnival period (from 17 January, the feast day of the patron Saint Anthony Abbot in Alba, until Mardi Gras, 9 February), from Penìa di Canazei to Moena, one can attend theatre shows, street festivals, races on the snow with skis and sledges (‘le lese da corni’ in Ladin), parades of floats, masked balls and festivals.

In the Val di Fassa, Carnival is the most evocative and popular event in the Ladin folk and cultural tradition. It is an appointment that lives and is renewed every year through the ‘mascherèdes’.